The Annual Appeal of the Archdiocese of Atlanta not only funds the operations of the archdiocese, but it also funds services that are of great help to the ministries right here in our parish. Some items were discussed more in depth last year.
- Diaconate Formation
- Pete Chacon is our Deacon in Training and his many years of formation is covered through this appeal.
- Hispanic Ministry
- Assists our Hispanic Ministry with continuing catechesis and conferences
- Catholic Campus Ministry
- Victoria Thompson’s salary
- Priest’s
- Gratefulness to have Fr. Dan assist with priestly duties now due to the generosity of the Annual Appeal as a parochial vicar for here and Christ the Redeemer.
- Seminarians
- Fr. Matt also mentioned his and Fr. Dan’s gratitude for their seminary formation and how well their formation was.
- Also mentioned was Fr. Matt’s time at the seminary in Chicago then when he was asked to study in Rome, Italy and the privilege that was to bring all of what he experienced and saw back to all of us who have supported the previous Archbishop’s Annual Appeals.
Annual Appeal Video in English
Campaña Anual del Arzobispo 2025