Family Catechesis 2020
St. Luke PSR 2020-2021 St. Luke’s Parish School of Religion is excited to announce our NEW and IMPROVED PSR Sunday morning program!
At the recommendation of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, we are implementing a hybrid approach to faith formation:
• This approach will consist of modified in-person sessions combined with virtual sessions.
• Faith Formation will be centered around the family.
Registration in our PSR or an approved Catholic Homeschool program is required for the reception of first penance and first Holy Communion in the 2nd grade. Contact Kelley Peffer, our Director of Religious Education for Children, at [email protected] for more information.
Our Parish School of Religion (PSR) program has always had faith in the family as our focus. Our mission statement of many years reads:
“The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, ‘Through the grace of the sacrament of marriage, parents receive the responsibility and privilege of evangelizing their children (2225).’ It is the mission and purpose of the PSR program to serve the parishioners of St. Luke by assisting and empowering parents in carrying out this awesome responsibility.”
The current pandemic has enabled us to take the next step toward assisting and empowering the parents (and families) of St. Luke’s. This year’s PSR program will be centered on family catechesis – learning and living the faith with, in, & through the family God has given each one of us.
Our school year will be set up in 2 week blocks (beginning Sept. 20th) with 1 topic for every 2 weeks. These blocks will be set up in this way:
- · Week #1: We will introduce our topic through a brief, pre-recorded video from Fr. Matt, and each family will be given a discussion guide to go along with our online family catechism. (If you don’t know how to access this, DON’T WORRY! We’ll show you .) This session should be made to fit the style that works best for your family. You can gather and go through the discussion guide on one day of the week or spread it out over several days depending on your schedule. This will be your “Family Catechesis Time”.
- Week #2: This session will consist of a live Zoom phone call during our normal PSR time (Sunday mornings from 9:15 – 10:30 am). At this time all families will gather together with Fr. Matt for a time to go deeper on the topic, ask questions that may have come up during your family time, or share some insights.
This model will be repeated throughout the 1st quarter of the school year and will be revisited before November 8th to see what our current situation is regarding in-person meetings. At that point, we will decide if things should continue as-is or if these Zoom weeks can be converted to in-person sessions. We will continue discerning this, quarter by quarter.
If you have a child that should be receiving a sacrament this year (First Penance / First Communion in 2nd grade or Confirmation in 10th grade), those sessions will also be virtual, and we will give you more info as to how this will look after we gather the registrations.
This challenging time can become a most blessed and holy of times if we grasp it with both hands and ask Our Lord to make it something beautiful. “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose,” Romans 8:28.
Click on the title to download the supporting documents:
This Week’s Lesson
March 28, 2021
Lent & Holy Week
March 14, 2021
February 7, 2021
The Greatest Commandment
January 24, 2021
The Moral Life of Christians
Jan. 10, 2021
The Eucharist Made Present
December 6, 2020
Nov. 8, 2020
Ordinary Time
November 8, 2020
Sacraments & Sacramentals
October 25, 2020
The Role and Marks of the Catholic Church
October 4, 2020
Family Catechesis Introduction: The Incarnation & Our Lady – Spanish
Previous Week’s Lessons
click on the title to download the supporting documents
September 12, 2020
Family Catechesis Introduction
Spanish Version of AFC Instructional Video
P. El video instructivo de Matt en español sobre cómo acceder al catecismo familiar en línea, vea este breve video antes de esta orientación a continuación:
Fr. Matt’s instructional video on how to access the online family catechism, watch this short video before this orientation below:
It’s not too late to sign up for our 2020-2021 School Year! Click on the PSR Registration document, print and return to Kelley Peffer either in person, the collection basket or drop it in the black mailbox across from the church. Once the parish office resumes office hours you’ll be welcome to drop it by there.